Hello, I’m Claudia, a soul guide, sacred mentor, spirit warrior and expressive art therapist. As a spiritual, integrative therapist, I guide people to express their unique spiritual energy, embrace their inner divinity and to trust their own heart and soul…their own truth.
My first introduction to Alana Fairchild’s work was the Mother Mary Oracle deck. I always had a special affinity to Mother Mary and after working with this deck and exploring more of Alana’s works, I realized the world needed these healing modalities more than ever before. Thus, I became a licensed practitioner in Saraswati Healing™ and in the Kuan Yin Transmission™ modalities which I offer in-person, individually or small groups, or via Tele-Health. Using humor and grace, I am proud to offer these healing modalities, which are gifts to the world.
“Mari-Bleu Haven”, my business name, was named for The Blue Mary/The Blue Sea. I am also a clinical mental health counselor for more than 20 years, maintaining a small practice on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA.
Looking forward to partnering with you! Giving guidance in finding your truth!