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My Oracle Card Reading

Beautiful pathways to divine guidance for your life path.

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Playfulness can be a pathway to sacredness, allowing you to drop into the wisdom of your heart and the creative energy in your belly … to feel, to express, to be spontaneous and unscripted … these are forms of play that allow for new awareness to emerge, creative solutions to inspire you, and divine nectar to flow and nourish you.


heal your soul with moving meditation

Uplift My Heart

Rediscover your joyfulness, replenish your heart energy, transforming fear or fatigue into peaceful gratitude, nourished by the truth of divine love within you.

Ignite My Confidence

To receive the divine blessings that are intended for you, believe in yourself and act on your intuition. Trust your unfolding path with a confident heart.

Ground My Soul

Breathing in this moment, with gratitude, grounding to connect with yourself and Earth Mother, you come home to your truth and find the clarity you need.

Reclaim My Light

Your inner light is shining steadily. There is wisdom in trusting yourself and your path. You are enough and the way will become clear to you.

Boost My Boundaries

Accessing your inner fire will clarify your perception and motivate you to set boundaries with yourself that will heal, protect and empower you with love.

Embrace Sacred Refuge

It is time to connect with your heart and believe in grace. Surrender your doubt and open to spiritual protection, ingenuity and generosity. All will be well.

Nurture My Magic

You were born to manifest the beauty of your soul, to live from your heart, and attract the joyful support, inspiration and guidance of the Universe.
About Sacred Play and the Soul Dance Oracle



Crystal Mandala Oracle
This unique oracle deck is encoded with crystal frequencies, and the high vibrational energy of angels, ascended masters and goddesses, to empower you to channel the divine healing power of Heaven and Earth
Isis Oracle
The High Priest or Priestess within you walks the path of divine love, power and wisdom. This is the path of spiritual self-mastery where we are initiated through the darkness of struggle into the light of love.
Rumi Oracle
Rumi speaks a sacred language that we understand with our hearts rather than our minds. He knows the heart is the gateway to divine union and he doesn’t want you to play small this lifetime.
Wild Kuan Yin Oracle
‘Wild Kuan Yin Oracle’ will be your light in those moments when the darkness seems too much. When the loving peace of Spirit seems too far away from the troubles of the physical world, this oracle deck channels the energy of the Divine Mother to bring you comfort.
Journey of Love Oracle
Accompanied by exquisite poetic verses by Richard Cohn and profound messages of guidance by Alana Fairchild, these cards are designed to assist you to find your authentic path through the opportunities for growth presented to you in all aspects of life, especially in your relationships, not only with others, but in your sacred relationship with yourself.
Mother Mary
Mother Mary loves you unconditionally, no matter what your religious or spiritual background. She brings you divine guidance for healing. She holds you within her spiritual protection.
Sacred Rebels Oracle
The ‘Sacred Rebels Oracle’ is for those that are ready to celebrate and nurture their individuality. When you are a Sacred Rebel you want to be fully alive and express your authentic truths. You want to help heal the world, even when that means shaking things up.
Divine Circus
Your spirit thrives in freedom and refuses to be constrained by stereotypes. This brilliantly rebellious part of you claims your authentic path and passionate purpose with gusto, caring not whether there is logic or lunacy at its heart. More than ever, the human collective needs bold-spirited individuals willing to live the loving and joyous wisdom of their hearts.
Pegasus Oracle
A pure embodiment of grace, strength and divine protection, the winged horse invites each one of us to live with confidence and trust in the light. The presence of Pegasus is a sign of our imminent success!



For your heart and soul, these offerings are to help you heal and discover your unique and authentic life path. There is so much to explore in the beautiful dimensions of spiritual energies, yet what matters most always is what resonates for your heart in this moment. So tune in and trust your process.
Guided Meditations
Regeneration Meditation

Connect, regenerate and heal with higher spiritual energy.

Restorative Meditation

This meditation is for those times when you need to hibernate, to disconnect so you can reconnect – with you! Retreat into the energy of nature and replenish yourself.

The Inner Room Meditation

Enter into your sacred inner sanctuary and reconnect with peace, loving kindness and your own spiritual self.

Healing Meditation

A meditation for healing with Archangel Raphael which focuses on connection with a sense of peace in the moment.

Spiritual Guidance
Letter to my Angel

You can write a letter to your angel at any time. Angels are great listeners! Angelic consciousness is unconditionally loving and responsive in a practical way. Even if you aren’t always sure who your angel might be, you can trust that your angel knows and loves you completely and is always looking out for you.

Higher Self and Spirit Guides

We all have a Higher Self, and Spiritual Guidance, of which we can learn to become more consciously aware. This article covers the basics and encourages you to learn how to dial up and connect to those many spiritual operators presently waiting to take your call!

Divine Passion and Purpose

We are all here to live our destiny, which is essentially our Life Path – and that is revealed as we live as our true selves. Here is some help to get you there at any time you need more clarity about your direction and purpose.

Spirituality, Life and Relationships

Relationships are often our best teachers – they can mirror how we are in relationship with ourselves and Life and help us learn love, tolerance and respect. A spiritual approach to life and relationships can help us solve problems and grow more easily.

Crystal Healing

Crystal Healing is one of the most beautiful healing modalities. It is just as beautiful to give a crystal healing as to receive one. Learning about crystals, and working with these beautiful healing tools, is therapy in itself.

Lightworkers Resources
Are YOU a lightworker?

If you have ended up in this section then you probably are – but if you want to learn more, enjoy this short quiz.

What is Lightwork?

Learn about the spiritual art of lightwork – both ancient and modern and very beautiful.

Healing Earth Memories

Lightwork is intimately connected to healing and evolution of consciousness on Mother Earth. Here is a lightwork teaching on working with clearing and healing at a planetary level.

Inspirational Message for Lightworkers

You deserve your own Spiritual Bill of Rights and Respect – this is from my heart to yours beloved.

Sacred Space for Lightworkers

Many lightworkers run their own spiritual groups and also cast sacred space around their home and place of work. Here are some techniques and practices to help you do this effectively.

Inspirational Message for Lightworkers

You deserve your own Spiritual Bill of Rights and Respect – this is from my heart to yours beloved, as an MP3 to be listened to whenever needed!




888 - Receiving divine feminine generosity and grace
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