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Beautiful pathways to divine guidance for your life path.

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Your Higher Soul has guided you to this CD because it wishes to be closer to you. As this happens, your divine path becomes clearer and you feel happier and more at peace within yourself.
  • Description
    • Luminous Soul Meditations

      Your Higher Soul has guided you to this CD because it wishes to be closer to you. As this happens, your divine path becomes clearer and you feel happier and more at peace within yourself, your relationships can improve dramatically and your ability to create a life that suits your Soul surges. All things become possible! These meditations will bring you into deeper union with your radiant soul, may its light and love fill the sacred cup of your heart, overflowing into our world.

      Radiance of your Inner Light (15.06)
      Light of Lady Nada (21.07)
      Serapis Bey Illumination (29.12)

Inner Light Sample

"Inner Light Sample" from Alana Fairchild's Album by Alana Fairchild. Released: 2012.

Light of Lady Nada sample

"Light of Lady Nada sample" from Alana Fairchild's Album by Alana Fairchild. Released: 2012.

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