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Conscious Connection Honours Sacred Ecosystem

My somewhat bizarre evolving professional path has led me through a number of fields including the art world, law and management consultancy, healing, publishing and the music industry. I have found the metaphysical field attracts more mavericks, lone-wolves and sacred rebels than any other. Healers tend towards ‘against the grain’ personalities, even those of us that revel in harmony and peace. It goes with the territory of shifting consciousness. It makes sense considering our soul purpose is to initiate new ways of being.

Recently a meme was posted on social media claiming that ‘no-one is coming to save you – your life is 100% your own responsibility.’ I was fascinated by the comments in response to this. The theme that came through was that whilst this was somewhat accurate, it is also true that as one person put it, ‘no person is completely running their own show,’ and another comment referred to the expression, ‘it takes a village’ (to raise a child).

For those of us who have learned to disengage from collective consciousness in order to distill our higher awareness, learning how to re-engage in supportive and wise ways can be tricky. We need to balance the space required to nurture insight that is free from unwanted conditioning or distorting influence, yet we cannot thrive without a sense of belonging. This is encoded in our humanity. We belong to a sacred ecosystem that operates both within this world and vastly beyond it, and deep within, we know it.

Maverick healers have the ability to embrace solitude and individuality more fearlessly than most, and we also have the capacity for co-creating a respectful space that allows for love and honours diversity is a gift not only to ourselves, but holds an energy of ‘what is possible’ for the greater human collective.

In an era where people are navigating how to deal with toxic relationship patterns with more awareness than ever before, we need examples of healthy connection and community, especially for those who may not have been exposed to such a thing earlier on in life. With the ongoing rise in narcissism as the new normal, fostered by media and enabled by technology, heart connection is fast becoming an essential skill that needs to be taught, and role-modelled, to stem the dysfunctional trend.

We can create a space together where we can be our true nature, and express it and share it, and be honoured for it, rather than be marginalised or maligned. Together we can become a stabilising heart beat that grounds humanity back into wisdom. This is what we practice in our community. We know it is hard work because if you are going to learn how to be authentic and respectful with others, you have to be willing to do the work on yourself, to bring your own projections to consciousness (and that can hurt, a lot, or be wonderful but also kind of scary sometimes too). 

Yet it is through the strength of healthy loving relationship within ourselves, with the divine, and with each other, that we become aware and empowered to deal with the less wise, less compassionate interactions that can be part of the human experience. We need people who are heart-smart in this manner to show the way by practicing kindness and compassion, whilst being open about our struggles at times to do so. How else can we embrace the current call to becoming one planet, one race of humankind?

In our community, we recognise that we are all connected energetically. We therefore see personal healing as incredibly beneficial and far-reaching in effect. Because we are all connected, personal work is a form of planetary healing. Healthier individuals bring healthier energy to the whole. It is the also the basis for the capacity and desire to offer healing for the planet in other ways. I’ve found that many souls take great delight and find enormous personal growth in offering healing circles for the planet. This is why we do these sorts of events regularly in our community. It keeps the energy flowing and our souls growing. 

I have faith in the human heart’s intelligence, in being able to navigate the essential spiritual need to individuate and have that serve, rather than conflict with, the collective needs of the greater planetary ecosystem to which we belong. 


Art by Daniel Holeman from Angelic Lightwork Healing Oracle by Alana

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