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My Oracle Card Reading

Beautiful pathways to divine guidance for your life path.

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Behind the Scenes with the Oracle Queen 

“The oracle as a communication device between your heart and higher guidance and universal wisdom…”  

When I feel to consult the oracle, I do so in a certain way. I take a moment to close my eyes and take a deep breath in and release it slowly. This is my somatic cue to mentally distance myself from the fluster of life, and my own mental activity attached to that. In that moment I intentionally reorient my mind inwards, as if to be in sacred space. I feel my connection to divine love by focusing on my heart. I recall how much that love wants to help and heal all of us, including me. I allow my heart and mind to settle on the feeling of that love shining its wisdom and protection into the reading.

I want to note that all of this happens within a few seconds. It happens instinctively – I actually had to go back and imagine I was going through the process to write down the steps here. This is also not the only way to initiate contact with the oracle, but I find that if I go through this process, the reading is deeper and clearer – likely because I am in the most receptive state.

If you want to integrate the oracle into your daily spiritual practice, then you can use this orientation technique that I use to ensure that you are connecting in the deepest way with the spiritual intelligence and heart essence of the oracle to guide and support you.

For me, once I have that strong heart-connection space, I shuffle the cards. As I shuffle, I imagine or intend that the divine energy is moving through the cards to provide me with the clearest and most useful guidance in that moment. Then what usually happens is that a card will fly out from the deck as I shuffle. I know that’s my card for guidance.

“I imagine or intend that the divine energy is moving through the cards…”  

I want to make a comment about the flying cards – that’s just my signature move, so to speak. Sometimes I might use a different technique but generally ‘shuffle and fly’ is my approach. It has just kind of happened over the years and I go with that because I enjoy it and it works for me.

However, it’s important to know that is not the only way to choose a card. Now and then I might instead choose to fan the cards face down on the floor or table and select one either with my eyes closed, or based on the intuitive ‘magnetism’ that I feel towards certain cards, hovering my palms over the cards and choosing the one I feel drawn towards most. That can work well for longer readings where I am choosing more than one card.

Another method can be to cut the deck after shuffling and choose from the second pile of cards, but whatever technique feels best for you is appropriate. I suggest that you play with some variations and see what you prefer.

Once you have chosen and read the guidance for your card, you may then like to complete the healing process associated with the card, if there is one (there usually is in most of my works).

You may like to place the card on your altar or by your bed to connect you to the energy of the card throughout the day and that evening. This can be a visual prompt to focus on your inner journey and soul healing process. To bring this awareness into your day, even whilst you are engaged in the regular activities of human life, can be very grounding, anchoring you to your authentic soul presence. That awareness can be like a warm glow in the background of your consciousness and doesn’t have to distract you from your regular activities.

“That awareness can be like a warm glow in the background of your consciousness…”


If you are using the oracle daily, then you may not always have a specific question or issue in mind when you consult the oracle. If that is the case for you then I encourage you to ask the oracle ‘what do I most need to know right now?’. Even when I have a specific issue in mind, I almost always have the ‘what do you really want me to know now?’ intention as the ultimate enquiry.

The reason for that is because I trust my spiritual guidance completely and I know that whatever issue I have going on in my life is typically seen in a very different way by guidance. Sometimes something so pressing to me is like a passing blip in the perspective of higher guidance. That doesn’t mean that they don’t care or don’t understand my human experience. It means that they know that I am going to see things very differently soon enough and there’s nothing to worry about!

It took me a while to learn and trust in that, and to understand the wisdom of such an approach. I still accept my worries as part of my human perception, but I also accept a greater perspective or spiritual context that can help alleviate those concerns more readily too.

Like me, you can use the oracle as a communication device between your heart and higher guidance/universal wisdom (or whatever your belief system entails) to support the relaxation and opening of your mind to a more loving reality. This could be part of your regular spiritual routine to prepare you for meditation or contemplation or journaling or prayer or dance or chanting, or whatever your personal spiritual practice may entail.

If you want to work with more than one deck, I suggest you tune into the decks to sense from your heart which deck is ‘calling to you’ on any given day.

In our Community of the Sacred we focus on a different theme and deck each month. We share this across our social media, and you are welcome to choose a deck that aligns with our community if that resonates for you. Then you have the added energetic support through our community focus in working with a deck as we intentionally cultivate that energy throughout the month. Of course, this is just an optional extra and my love is shining for all of you through the oracles no matter when you use them! I have created a diverse range of decks for you to be able to have your various needs met. It can also be fun and healing to tune in and give yourself the freedom to choose a deck based on your heart’s guidance in that moment.

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